Artificial Intelligence Innovation Hub Ministry of Science and ICT 01-Jul-2021 ~ 31-Dec-2025 Conducting challenging research and development to solve technical and scientific challenges in the AI field based on an open joint research system.
- By challenging high-risk and challenging challenges to break through the technical limitations of the AI field, it secures the world's best original technology in the AI field.
- Contributing to the improvement of human quality of life by developing AI technology to solve scientific challenges with great economic and social ripple effects.
- Universal intelligence machines that can be applied universally regardless of domain to lead the future AI industry.
Artificial Intelligence Hub Data Center Deep Learning Hyperscale Artificial Intelligence Universal Intelligence Machine

Development of a distributed graph DBMS for intelligent processing of big graphs Ministry of Science and ICT 01-Apr-2021 ~ 31-Dec-2024 Developing a distributed GDBMS for intelligent high-speed processing of ultra-large graphs. In this task, 1) an intelligent graph application in which three main graph queries (pattern search, analysis, and learning questions) are mixed can be developed on one system, 2) and 3) a cloud-based distributed GDBMS that provides scalable and efficient high-speed query processing for ultra-large graphs is designed and developed. Open source the GDBMS technologies to be developed so that they can be widely used across industries related to graph applications.
- Aim to secure the following core technologies to exceed world-class RFP requirements.
- Processing distributed disk-based large/dynamic graph queries.
- Processing high-speed queries considering worst-optimal join.
- Query optimization techniques considering multiple join algorithms and binary join algorithms.
- Integrated development technology of three queries using an integrated API library.
- Giant graph neural network learning and inference techniques.
- RDMA-based high-speed network manager technology.
- By securing core technologies, we aim to improve the following six key performance figures by more than 10% to 20% above the RFP target figure, ultimately securing world-class technology.
- Improved performance of megaprograph analysis by more than 10% (PageRank: 12 seconds, Triangle Counting: 45 seconds).
- Leverage limited computing resources to increase the analytical graph size by more than 50% (1.5 trillion edges).
- More than 15% storage throughput per second for time-varying graph data (0.7 billion edges).
- More than 10% improvement in incremental processing performance over static processing of graphs (PageRank: 45%, Label Propagation: 12%).
- More than 10% improvement in fast graph machine learning processing speed (GCN-1: 0.27 s, GCN-2: 0.72 s, and GCN-3: 0.9 s).
- Reduce performance differences by more than 10% between SSD-based query processing and pure memory-based processing (within 4.5%).
Cloud based System Distributed GDBMS Learning Engine for Big Graphs Query Optimizer Query Processing Engine for Big Graphs

Summarization and Compression based Fast RDF Query Processing Techniques for Massive RDF Graphs Ministry of Science and ICT 01-Mar-2018 ~ 28-Feb-2021 In this study, large-capacity RDF graphs are effectively summarized/compressed, and high-speed query processing technology is developed from compressed RDF graphs. And, the RDF graph summary/compression technology is extended to distributed processing. It develops summary and compression graph processing tools and APIs to process large-capacity RDF graphs
RDF Graph Graph Compression Graph Summarization Distributed Processing Large-scale Graphs Linked Open Data Query Processing Semantic Web

Bio-Mechatronics Practical problem research group Ministry of Science and ICT 01-May-2017 ~ 28-Feb-2022 The Bio-Mechanics Practical Problems Research Group will establish a steering committee headed by the general manager as its vision for self-directed creative talent development according to the development of core technology specialization and convergence technology. It will provide an opportunity for education and experience to derive specific empirical practical problems in connection with the industry and cultivate the ability to creatively solve them. Based on this, we intend to continue to promote talent development projects by establishing a field-specific engineering talent development support system as a knowledge-sharing system within an intelligent industry-academic cooperation platform.
Bio-Mechatronics Industry

The National Program for Excellence in SW Ministry of Science and ICT 01-Mar-2017 ~ 31-Dec-2020 Based on this experience of SW education innovation, this project aims to cultivate V-shaped convergence SW talents who can demonstrate creative thinking and multiple expertise through practical SW major education, Kyunghee University's own giant SW convergence education, and Korea's largest non-majors SW basic education.
It also aims to foster practical global SW talents who will lead future industries through the establishment of an industry-academia cooperation system centered on industrial sites and practical English education/overseas education programs.
- It aims to spread the KHUS SW boot camp program, the first SW convergence education model in Korea and Kyung Hee University, centered on the new SW convergence college/SW convergence department, to other universities in Korea.
- It aims to spread the SW basic liberal arts education model to other universities in Korea, which teaches humanities literacy and SW basic skills for up to 5,200 students/year in Korea.
- Kyung Hee University's Department of Computer Engineering has trained 'T-shaped talent' through practical SW major education and humanitas liberal arts education in the Seoul Accord Activation Project since 2011.
Industry-university cooperation project & internship Reorganization of SW Liberal education Reorganization of SW convergence education Reorganization of SW major education SW value

SIAT CCTV Cloud Platform Ministry of Science and ICT 01-Jun-2016 ~ 31-Dec-2021 This study aims to develop SIAT-type CCTV cloud platform technology, and develops the following three technologies as core element technologies:
- Security and learning 3D image recognition technology
- CCTV Cloud Platform Innovation Technology
- Intelligent image analysis and self-evolving learning technology for services
- Security and learning 3D image recognition technology
- CCTV Cloud Platform Innovation Technology
- Intelligent image analysis and self-evolving learning technology for services
- Security and learning 3D image recognition technology
- CCTV Cloud Platform Innovation Technology
- Intelligent image analysis and self-evolving learning technology for services
- Security and learning 3D image recognition technology
- CCTV Cloud Platform Innovation Technology
- Intelligent image analysis and self-evolving learning technology for services
- Security-learning 3D image recognition technology
- CCTV Cloud Platform Innovation Technology
- Intelligent image analysis and self-evolving learning technology for services
CCTV Platform Cloud Platform Cloud data anaysis Cloud data processing Intelligent CCTV recognition

Intelligent Interaction for Life Companionship Experience Ministry of Science and ICT 30-Sep-2015 ~ 31-Dec-2022 The center's various projects offer many possibilities in terms of industrial, economic, and technological aspects such as creating new values and providing diversity, presenting new revenue models and contributing to market expansion, strengthening product/business competitiveness, technology ripple effects and availability, and providing new growth engines.
- A. Training human resources and strengthening SW capabilities for current employees By training SW working-level experts in the ICBM field, it directly or indirectly contributes to strengthening the technology and business capabilities of companies, and contributes to securing national technical personnel and enhancing technological competitiveness in the mid to long term.
- It is the first model in Korea in which a university operates a general graduate school in an industrial complex, and a successful model for joint industry-academia manpower training is presented.
- Based on big data, machine learning, mobile, five-sensory recognition, and multimedia technologies, which are the core technologies of the automobile industrial revolution, it is possible to give new values to existing products and present new concept product designs to mobile terminals, robots, drones, and home appliances. It is expected to strengthen the competitiveness of existing industries as well as create next-generation human interaction software projects in new industries such as autonomous driving, education, medical/Bio, defense, manufacturing, and ICT convergence.
- Increase utilization in convergence projects between domestic IT industry and other fields
- This multimodal sensor-based contextual cognitive technology and knowledge-based decision-making system can be fused with various fields that require software production and personalization services for various purposes, such as smart media and industrial safety, in addition to the field of companionion interaction.
- In preparation for the era of the next industrial revolution, we expect to cultivate intellectual engineering professionals who utilize the knowledge of cognitive engineering experts and experts who analyze contexts from various sensor information and systemize them.
- Developing working-level SW leaders of small and medium-sized companies leading ICBMs and using them to strengthen corporate SW capabilities and promote and plan competitive projects
- Increase cooperation with small and medium-sized enterprises and contribute substantially to management
- Use various corporate support policies to resolve corporate issues, upgrade current businesses, and create new businesses.
- Contributing to the Industrial Development of Pangyo Area
- Establishment of foundation for financing research and projects by continuing expansion of participating companies and contracting companies
- Reorganizing membership and giving more benefits to partners and member companies
- Strengthen the foundation for the center's operation through corporate R&D support, etc.
Companionship Companionship IoT device Interaction Human Centered Design Life Logging Computing Self-Quantification

Development of Big Data Analysis and Process Techniques for Utilizing Accumulated Data Ministry of Science and ICT 01-Jun-2015 ~ 31-Dec-2016 Development of big data analysis and processing platform based on machine learning.
- Development of big data PolEx PCB application technology in cloud-based systems.
- Development of local micro technicians and background modeling technology for CCTV image analysis.
- Quantitative performance targets are two international academic societies, two patent applications, two SW registrations, and one technology transfer.
- It is to create a variety of businesses and cultivate practical professionals required by international companies in connection with various participating companies that need big data analysis technology. Project-oriented education is conducted based on various basic technologies such as artificial intelligence, data mining, and video processing to cultivate professional manpower.
- As a result of this project, we will acquire big data analysis technologies required by participating companies and cultivate customized talents with practical experience and international minds through connection with SMEs.
Image Processing EDA Artificial Intelligence Data Mining Bigdata Analysis

Compression and Summarization Graph based Big Graph Processing Platform Ministry of Science and ICT 01-May-2015 ~ 30-Apr-2018 This study studies a compressed/summary graph-based graph processing platform to effectively and efficiently support big graph analysis. In addition, we develop a big graph mining tool to easily analyze big graphs in various applications using a big graph processing platform.
GraphMining GraphCompression GraphSummarization DistributedProcessing BigGraph

SW Research Institute for Global and Creative Human Resource Incubation Ministry of Education 01-Sep-2013 ~ 31-Aug-2020 This project group detects and actively accepts future technological, industrial, and social changes. In order to cultivate creative software talents with a global mind, an educational vision called 'leading global creative software academic culture' was established.
- In order to achieve the educational vision, first, fostering global experts through the creation of academic culture, second, fostering talented people with internationalization minds and competencies, third, fostering researchers with sustainable competencies, and fourth, establishing the goal of cultivating talented people specialized in creative software.
- As a strategy to achieve the educational goals, four realization strategies are established: "Creating a humanitas talent training system that enables creative multidisciplinary convergence research in software research," "Creating an outbound and inbound international talent training system," "Strengthening basic education through the introduction of common essential subjects," and "Creating a global practice talent training system that enables intellectual property rights and international standardization of research results."
- The project group's research vision is 'Creative Knowledge Tech Lead', which conducts creative research that leads to the establishment of a 'knowledge-centered' future society based on creative economic principles.
- The research goal was set as 'research and development of a realistic human-centric SW platform', which was realized by developing a real-time service platform for providing people-centered, non-human services and contents.
- The educational and research objectives of this project group are an extension of the specialized vision strategy consistently promoted by Kyung Hee University's computer engineering department, and this project group focuses on cultivating high-quality creative software talents by focusing on achieving the project objectives.
Global Human Resource Creative Software Creative Research Software Platform SW System Research Realistic Interaction Humancentric Service Contents

Real-Time Mobile Cloud Service Platform Ministry of Science and ICT 01-Jun-2013 ~ 31-Dec-2018 The real-time mobile cloud research center (RmCRC) phase 2 project seeks to develop from a real-time mobile cloud platform, which is a centralized cloud environment for the phase 1 project, to a distributed cloud (Fog/Mobile Edge) environment. The RmCRC phase 2 project researches and develops a distributed real-time mobile cloud platform focusing on key factors such as C-Connectivity, I-Interoperability, and S-Awareness (CIS*).
- Step 1: Link real-time mobile cloud platforms with existing businesses to enable existing systems to be supported in mobile environments
- Step 2: Support the configuration of a new business's core system on a real-time mobile cloud platform and enable interworking with third parties.
AR/VR Augmented/Virtual Reality Conversational system Distributed cloud Intelligent system Platform standardization

Modeling and Mining for Activity Patterns in Activity Database Ministry of Science and ICT 01-Sep-2012 ~ 31-Aug-2015 Behavior patterns are a form in which actions are performed and are useful knowledge that reflects lifestyle that appears differently depending on the user's disposition, preferences, habits, health conditions, and occupations. User behavior pattern analysis has been studied for the same purpose as marketing, healthcare, and policy-making in various fields such as economics, psychology, sociology, and medicine. Existing analysis studies have a problem that the analysis method is dependent on a small amount of data due to the limitation of collecting behavioral data in a manual manner, and thus the quality of the analysis results is deteriorated.
activitypattern graphmining mapreduce lifestyle activitypatternanalysis

Seoul Accord Ministry of Science and ICT 01-Jul-2011 ~ 31-Dec-2017 While the importance of software covered by computer engineering departments is being emphasized day by day across all fields of the IT industry, various fields such as u-Healthcare and the silver industry as well as smartphones, digital home appliances, and semiconductors are required. The goal of the education advancement program is to build an infrastructure system and environment for the best professional liberal arts and major education practices in Korea. The detailed goals are as follows.
- Cultivation of the ability to work as a leader in each field in a global society based on acquisition of computer engineering expertise and understanding of the information society.
- Cultivation of creative abilities required in a knowledge-based society based on faithful learning of basic science.
- Cultivation of the ability to systematically address challenges by formulating technical problems and designing/conducting experiments with advanced engineering tools.
- Cultivation of the ability to create future value and lead industrial development based on engineering ethics.
Building a foundation system and environment for the best professional liberal arts and major education practice in Korea.
Seoul Accord Enhancement of Educational Quality Advanced Educational Environment Academy-Industry Co-Operation Program Woman IT HRD

Semi-supervised feature selection for graph mining Ministry of Education, Science and Technology 01-May-2010 ~ 30-Apr-2013 The proposed partial supervision-based feature selection algorithm and framework research for graph mining first develops an algorithm that effectively selects features using a large number of unlabeled instances. Next, the developed algorithm is expanded to study a partial supervision-based feature selection algorithm for classifying graph data with a large number of features. And a study is conducted to improve the execution time of the developed algorithm. Partial supervision-based feature selection technique research: Existing supervision-based feature selection techniques have insufficient training instances. To create a sufficient amount of training instances, we develop an effective feature selection algorithm that utilizes unlabeled instances. Partial supervision-based feature selection technique for graph data classification: feature selection research is very important because the classification of graph data has a large number of features. In addition, a very time-consuming operation is required to create a single labeled instance. It is very time consuming because of the large amount of graph data and the number of features. A partial supervision-based feature selection study is conducted to select useful features among a large number of features in a small training graph data environment.Study on improving the speed of performing feature selection: In most environments where feature selection techniques are used, there are large amounts of unlabeled instances compared to labeled instances. A study is conducted to select instances that are efficient for feature selection from a large set of unlabeled instances.
feature selection machine learning data classification semi-supervised learning supervised learning graph classification large scale data labeling data mining

Audio-Visual documentaries of the stsndard model and model implements digital archiving Ministry of Public Administration and Security 18-Mar-2010 ~ 30-Nov-2010 Implementation of standard model research and modeling for digital archiving of audiovisual records. Automation technology research for preservation and service of mass and mass audiovisual records. Registration of mass production audiovisual records at various levels, transfer, research and development of management tools. Implementation and application of testbed for testing and verification of R&D core technologies.
AudioVisual Digital Archiving Process large capacity high throughput screening Video Indexing Face Detection multimedia ontology

Development of customized/lightweight DB engine technology for ubiquitous small devices Ministry of Science and Technology 01-Jul-2007 ~ 01-Jun-2012 This project aims to develop a ubiquitous customizable DB engine technology that is mounted on small or mobile devices (e.g., mobile phones, PDAs, vehicle terminals, laptop computers, etc.) that make up a ubiquitous computing environment to provide efficient management/search for unstructured data (e.g., web pages, XML data, spatial data, stream/sensor data) that is required at the core of next-generation applications, and at the same time uses next-generation storage devices (e.g., flash memory, MEMS-based storage devices) as storage devices. In the first year, the research and analysis of technologies that make database engines ubiquitous (customized/lightweight) and database application technologies in ubiquitous environments are aimed at.
Ubiquitous Embedded DBMS Unstructured Data Data Mining Flash/MEMS Memory Mobile Device Tight Coupling

Promoting the use of overseas IT professionals Ministry of Knowledge Economy 01-Jan-2007 ~ 31-Dec-2008 It supports the use of IT experts from overseas universities, industries, and research institutes as professors to cultivate excellent human resources with international competitiveness in the IT field of domestic universities.
IT Global

A Study on East-West Neo Medical u-Life Care Technology Ministry of Science and ICT 01-Nov-2006 ~ 31-Dec-2014 It acquires core source technologies and service technologies related to East-West New Medical u-Life Care based on ubiquitous computing technology, uses them as the parent of the next generation of growth engine industries, and fosters creative and international competitive high-quality personnel.
Based on the core technologies and platforms of Dongseo New Medicine's u-Life Care developed over the past six years, ① Wellness and Life Care services will be jointly developed with Panatic Sports Co., Ltd., ② Recommendation services for diabetes and stroke will be conducted in clinical tests and pilot services such as Gangdong Kyunghee University Hospital and Seoul St. Mary's Hospital. ③ CDSS to treat patients with Head & Neck cancer will be built at Shaukat Khanum Hospital in Pakistan and pilot services will be implemented. And all developed platforms S/W will be unveiled.
Neo Medical u-Life Care Lifecare Service

Future Convergence Service Platform Research Team Ministry of Education, Science and Technology 01-Mar-2006 ~ 28-Feb-2013 The goal of this project is to secure original technologies in the future convergence service platform field and strengthen the competitiveness of the national IT convergence technology and new growth engine industry by cultivating talented people with creativity, leadership, teamwork, and internationalization mindset.
Network Convergence Middleware Multimedia Embedded System Software Intelligence System Network Security

NEXT, Computer Science Human Resource Development Ministry of Knowledge Economy 01-Mar-2006 ~ 31-Dec-2009 Conducting engineering education certification evaluation, reorganizing certification programs based on full-scale evaluation of graduates' learning outcomes, establishing PEO-PO-PC and operating CQI in earnest, developing and using measurable learning outcomes. Achieve educational goals and learning outcomes through the development of various educational elements. Continuous operation of student portfolio, continuous implementation of systematic student guidance, settlement and regularization of comprehensive design tasks. Establishment of a comprehensive design system for industry participation, establishment of system, facility and manpower base, introduction of the latest equipment, improvement of experimental practice environment.
NEXT IT Human Resouce Development

Training Project for Outstanding Foreign Student Research Institute Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development 01-Mar-2006 ~ 01-Feb-2009 It is to present and develop a new model of information system to meet the requirements arising from the upcoming ubiquitous computing environment. In this regard, in order to make data useful, it is necessary to effectively manage it to facilitate search. In addition, the ability to discover valuable and useful knowledge latent in the data enables the use of the data more effectively to secure competitiveness. Data security is also an important goal in this research process.
Ubiquitous Security

Development of Ubiquitous Oriented Appliance Solution Technology Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development 01-Mar-2005 ~ 01-Feb-2008 Development of Ubiquitous Oriented Appliance Solution Technology (Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy)
Ubiquitous Appliance Technology

Home Healthcare System Research Ministry of Health and Welfare 01-Dec-2002 ~ 01-Oct-2008 We develop a home health management system that can be easily used in a daily living environment and can be mass-supplied by minimizing the intervention of medical professionals with high costs. This system enables customized personal health care services for disease prevention, early detection, prognosis management, and health promotion.
Home Health Management System Biosignal Acquisition Unit Biosignal Processing Unit Remote Healthcare Service Medical Expert System