Published Journals

  1. Sultana, Tangina, Md Delowar Hossain, Md Golam Morshed, Tariq Habib Afridi, and Young-Koo Lee. "Inductive autoencoder for efficiently compressing RDF graphs." Information Sciences 662 (2024): 120210.
  2. Rahman, Md Arif, and Young-Koo Lee. "Forester: Approximate Processing of an Imperative Procedure for Query-Time Exploratory Data Analysis in a Relational Database." Electronics 13, no. 4 (2024): 759.
  3. Muhammad, Umair, Tangina Sultana, and Young Koo Lee. "Pre-trained language models for keyphrase prediction: A review." ICT Express (2024).
  4. Sultana, Tangina, Md Delowar Hossain, Muhammad Umair, Muhammad Numan Khan, Aftab Alam, and Young-Koo Lee. "Graph pattern detection and structural redundancy reduction to compress named graphs." Information Sciences 647 (2023): 119428.
  5. Van, Duong Thi Thu, and Young-Koo Lee. "A similar structural and semantic integrated method for RDF entity embedding." Applied Intelligence 53, no. 16 (2023): 19302-19316.
  6. Morshed, Md Golam, Tangina Sultana, and Young-Koo Lee. "LeL-GNN: Learnable edge sampling and line based graph neural network for link prediction." IEEE Access (2023).
  7. Morshed, Md Golam, Tangina Sultana, Aftab Alam, and Young-Koo Lee. "Human action recognition: A taxonomy-based survey, updates, and opportunities." Sensors 23, no. 4 (2023): 2182.
  8. Sultana, Tangina, and Young-Koo Lee. "Efficient Approach for Encoding and Compression of RDF Knowledge Bases." 정보과학회논문지 49, no. 3 (2022): 241-249.
  9. Umair, Muhammad, and Young-Koo Lee. "iRun: Horizontal and Vertical Shape of a Region-Based Graph Compression." Sensors 22, no. 24 (2022): 9894.
  10. Sultana, Tangina, and Young-Koo Lee. "Efficient rule mining and compression for RDF style KB based on Horn rules." The Journal of Supercomputing 78, no. 14 (2022): 16553-16580.
  11. Wang, Xin, Rui Zhang, and Young-Koo Lee. "Special Issue of Graph Data Management, Mining, and Applications (APWeb-WAIM 2020)." World Wide Web 25, no. 3 (2022): 1373-1375.
  12. Kim, Kyoungsook, Young-Koo Lee, Hyun Ahn, and Kwanghoon Pio Kim. "An experimental mining and analytics for discovering proportional process patterns from workflow enactment event logs." Wireless Networks (2022): 1-8.
  13. Sultana, Tangina, and Young-Koo Lee. "gRDF: an efficient compressor with reduced structural regularities that utilizes gRePair." Sensors 22, no. 7 (2022): 2545.
  14. Yeon, Moon-Sook, Young-Koo Lee, Dinh-Lam Pham, and Kwanghoon Pio Kim. "Experimental verification on human-centric network-based resource allocation approaches for process-aware information systems." IEEE Access 10 (2022): 23342-23354.
  15. Van, Duong Thi Thu, Muhammad Numan Khan, Tariq Habib Afridi, Irfan Ullah, Aftab Alam, and Young-Koo Lee. "Gdll: A scalable and share nothing architecture based distributed graph neural networks framework." IEEE Access 10 (2022): 21684-21700.
  16. Uddin, Md Azher, Joolekha Bibi Joolee, Young-Koo Lee, and Kyung-Ah Sohn. "A Novel Multi-Modal Network-Based Dynamic Scene Understanding." ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM) 18, no. 1 (2022): 1-19.
  17. 한동희, 이영구, "다중 웹사이트 관리를 위한 동작 기반 웹 크롤러 설정 구조 설계", VOL 27, NO. 2, pp. 98-103, 2021. 02, 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지 (IITP-2021-2015-0-00742)
  18. Umair Qudus, Muhammad Saleem, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo and Young-Koo Lee, "An empirical evaluation of cost-based federated SPARQL query processing engines", Semantic Web(IF:2.214), 2021 Oct, Volume 12, Issue No. 6, pp 843-868, ISSN 2210-4968, (No. NRF-2018R1A2A2A05023669).
  19. Irfan Ullah, Sharifullah Khan, Muhammad Imran and Young-Koo Lee, "RweetMiner: Automatic identification and categorization of help requests on twitter during disasters", Expert Systems with Applications(IF:6.954), 2021 Aug, Vol 176, p 114787, ISSN 0957-4174, (No. IITP-2020-2015-0-00742).
  20. Nguyen Anh Tu, Thien Huynh-The, Kok-Seng Wong, M. Fatih Demirci and Young-Koo Lee, "Toward efficient and intelligent video analytics with visual privacy protection for large-scale surveillance", The Journal of Supercomputing(IF:2.71), 2021 May, Vol 77, Issue No. 12, pp 14374-14404, ISSN 1573-0484.
  21. Aftab Alam, Irfan Ullah and Young-Koo Lee, "Video Big Data Analytics in the Cloud: A Reference Architecture, Survey, Opportunities, and Open Research Issues" IEEE Access(IF:3.367), Aug 2020, Vol 8, pp 152377-152422, ISSN 2169-3536, (No. R7120-17-1007).
  22. Aftab Alam, Young-Koo Lee, "TORNADO: Intermediate Results Orchestration Based Service-Oriented Data Curation Framework for Intelligent Video Big Data Analytics in the Cloud", Sensors(IF:3.576), Jun 2020, Vol 20, Issue No. 12, p 3581, ISSN 1424-8220, (No. 2016-0-00406).
  23. Jawad Khan, and Young-Koo Lee, "LeSSA: A Unified Framework based on Lexicons and Semi-Supervised Learning Approaches for Textual Sentiment Classification", Applied Sciences(IF:2.217), Dec 2019, Vol 9, Issue No 24, pp 5562, ISSN 2076-3417, (No. IITP-2018-2015-0-00742).
  24. Jawad Khan, Aftab Alam, Jamil Hussain, and Young-Koo Lee, "EnSWF: effective features extraction and selection in conjunction with ensemble learning methods for document sentiment classification", Applied Sciences(IF:2.882), Aug 2019, Vol 49, Issue No.8, pp 3123-3145, ISSN 2046-3417, (No. IITP-2018-2015-0-00742).
  25. Md Azher Uddin, Aftab Alam, Nguyen Anh Tu, Md Siyamul Islam, and Young-Koo Lee, "SIAT: A Distributed Video Analytics Framework for Intelligent Video Surveillance", Symmetry(IF:2.143), Jul 2019, Vol 11, Issue No.7, pp 911, ISSN 2073-8994, (No. 2016-0-00406).
  26. Batjargal Dolgorsuren, Kifayat Ullah Khan, and Young-Koo Lee, "EM-FGS: Graph sparsification via faster semi-metric edges pruning", Applied Intelligence(IF:2.882), May 2019, Vol 48, Issue No. 7, ISSN 0924-669X, (No. 2018R1A2A2A05023669).
  27. Md Azher Uddin, and Young-Koo Lee, "Feature Fusion of Deep Spatial Features and Handcrafted Spatiotemporal Features for Human Action Recognition", Sensors(IF:2.475), Apr 2019, Vol 19, Issue No.7, pp 1559, ISSN 1424-8220, (No. 2016-0-00406).
  28. Nguyen Anh Tu, Thien Huynh-The, Kifayat Ullah Khan, Young-Koo Lee. "ML-HDP: A Hierarchical Bayesian Nonparametric Model for Recognizing Human Actions in Video.", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology(SCI 3.558), Mar 2019, ISSN 1051-8215 (No. 2016-0-00406).
  29. Batjargal Dolgorsuren, Kifayat Ullah Khan, Mostofa Kamal Rasel, Young-Koo Lee, "StarZIP: Streaming Graph Compression Technique for Data Archiving", IEEE Access(IF:4.098), Feb 2019, Vol 7, pp 38020, ISSN 2169-3536, (No. 2018R1A2A2A05023669)(No. IITP-2018-2015-0-00742).
  30. 우메이르 쿠두스, 엠디 이브라힘 호세인, 이창주, 키파야트 울아 칸, 원희선, 이영구, "DRAZ : 이기종 메타 데이터 소스를 위한 SPARQL 쿼리 엔진", VOL 34, NO. 03, pp.69-85, 2018. 12, 데이터베이스연구회 학회지 (프로젝트 : No.2017-0-00253)
  31. Kyoungsook Kim, Young-Koo Lee, Hyun Ahn, and Kwanghoon Pio Kim, "An experimental mining and analytics for discovering proportional process patterns from workflow enactment event logs", Wireless Networks(SCIE : 1.27), Dec 2018, pp 1-8, ISSN 1572-8196(No. 2017R1A2B2010697).
  32. Mostofa Kamal Rasel and Young-Koo Lee, "On-the-fly Output Compression for Join-based Graph Mining Algorithms", IEEE Access(SCIE : 3.557), 2018, Volume 6, pp.64008-64022, ISSN 2169-3536 (No. 2018R1A2A2A05023669).
  33. Md Azher Uddin, Mostafijur Rahman Akhond, Young-Koo Lee, "Dynamic Scene Recognition using Spatiotemporal based DLTP on Spark", IEEE Access(SCIE : 3.557), October 2018, Volume 6, pp.66123-66133, ISSN 2169-3536 (No. IITP-2018-2013-1-00717, No. IITP-2018-2015-0-00742).
  34. Mostofa Kamal Rasel, En Elena, and Young-Koo Lee, "Summarized bit batch vector-based triangle listing in massive graphs", Information Sciences(SCI:4.305), May 2018, Volume 441, pp. 1-17, ISSN 0020-0255 (No.2015R1A2A2A01008209).
  35. Joolekha Bibi Joolee, Md Azher Uddin, Jawad Khan, Taeyeon Kim, and Young-Koo Lee. "A Novel Lightweight Approach for Video Retrieval on Mobile Augmented Reality Environment." Applied Sciences(SCIE 1.680), October 2018, Volume 8, Issue 10, EISSN 2076-3417 (No. IITP-2018-2013-1-00717 , No. IITP-2018-2015-0-00742).
  36. Xu Weihua, Md Azher Uddin, Batjargal Dolgorsuren, Mostafijur Rahman Akhond, Kifayat Ullah Khan, Md Ibrahim Hossain, and Young-Koo Lee. "Similarity Estimation for Large-Scale Human Action Video Data on Spark." Applied Sciences(SCIE 1.680), May 2018, Volume 8, Issue 5, EISSN 2076-3417 (No. 2016-0-00406).
  37. Hojin Seo, Kisung Park, Yongkoo Han, Hyunwook Kim, Muhammad Umair, Kifayat Ullah Khan, and Young-Koo Lee. "An effective graph summarization and compression technique for a large-scaled graph." The Journal of Supercomputing(SCI 1.532), Jan 2018, pp. 1-15(No. 2015R1A2A2A01008209).
  38. 김현욱, 서호진, 이영구, "관계기반 요약그래프에서 효율적인 최단경로 탐색기법", 정보과학회논문지 제 44 권 제 7 호, pp.710-718, 2017.07 (프로젝트: No.2015R1A2A2A01008209)
  39. Kifayat Ullah Khan, Batjargal Dolgorsuren, Tu Nguyen Anh, Waqas Nawaz, Young-Koo Lee "Faster compression methods for a weighted graph using locality sensitive hashing.", Information Sciences(SCI 4.732), December 2017, Volume 421, pp.237-253. ISSN 0020-0255(프로젝트 No.2015R1A2A2A01008209)
  40. Kifayat Ullah Khan, Aftab Alam, Batjargal Dolgorsuren, Md Azher Uddin, Muhammad Umair, Uijeong Sang, Van T.T. Duong, Weihua Xu and Young-Koo Lee. "LPaMI: A Graph-Based Lifestyle Pattern Mining Application Using Personal Image Collections in Smartphones.", Applied Sciences(SCIE 1.679), November 2017, Volume 7, Issue 7 pp.1-24 ISSN 0957-4174 (프로젝트 IITP-2017-2015-0-00742, IITP-2017-2013-0-00717)
  41. MD Azher Uddin, Joolekha Bibi Joolee, Aftab Alam, and Young-Koo Lee "Human action recognition using adaptive local motion descriptor in spark", IEEE Access(SCIE 3.244), October 2017, Volume 5,pp.21157-21167 ISSN 2169-3536(프로젝트 R7120-17-1007)
  42. Nguyen Anh Tu, Kifayat Ullah Khan, and Young-Koo Lee. "Featured correspondence topic model for semantic search on social image collections.", Expert Systems with Applications(SCIE 2.879), July 2017, Volume 77, pp.20-33 ISSN 2076-3417 (프로젝트:IITP-2016-R6812-16-0001)
  43. Kifayat Ullah Khan, Waqas Nawaz, and Young-Koo Lee "Set-based unified approach for summarization of a multi-attributed graph", World Wide Web(SCIE 1.405), May 2017, Volume 20, Issue 3, pp.543-570 ISSN 1386-145X(Print) 1573-1413(Online)(프로젝트 No.2015R1A2A2A01008209)
  44. Sajal Halder, Md.Samiullah, and Young-Koo Lee "Supergraph based periodic pattern mining in dynamic social networks" Expert Systems with Applications(SCIE 2.879), April 2017, Volume 72, pp.430-442 ISSN 2076-3417 (프로젝트 IITP-2016-R6812-16-0001)
  45. Jihye Hong, Kisung Park, Yongkoo Han, Mostafa Kamal Rasel, Dawanga Vonvou, and Young-Koo Lee "Disk-based shortest path discovery using distance index over large dynamic graphs", Information Sciences(SCI 4.732), March 2017, Volume 382-383, pp.201-215. ISSN 0020-0255(프로젝트 No.2015R1A2A2A01008209)
  46. 서호진, 김현욱, 박기성, 이영구, "대용량 그래프에서 효율적인 동적 그래프 요약 기법", VOL 32 NO. 01 PP. 0002-0012, 2016. 04, 데이터베이스연구회 학회지
  47. Md Azher Uddin, Nguyen Anh Tu, En Elena, Young-Koo Lee, "Product Recommendation System based on Visual similarity for Internet Shopping", 데이터베이스연구회 학회지, VOL31, NO.03, pp. 0070-0084, 2016-12-01
  48. Waqas Nawaz, Kifayat-Ullah Khan, Young-Koo Lee, "A Multi-User Perspective for Personalized Email Communities", Expert Systems with Applications (SCIE 2.981), July 2016, Volume 54 Issue C, pp. 265-283
  49. Nguyen Anh Tu , Dong-Luong Dinh , Mostofa Kamal Rasel , Young-Koo Lee, "Topic modeling and improvement of image representation for large-scale image retrieval", Information Sciences(SCI, IF 3.364), First online 29 may 2016, pp.99-120, 20 October 2016-publish
  50. Mostofa Kamal Rasel, Yongkoo Han, Jinseung Kim, Kisung Park, Tu Nguyen Anh, Young-Koo Lee, "iTri: Index-based triangle listing in massive graphs", Information Sciences (SCI, IF 4.048 ), 1 April 2016, ISSN 0020-0255, 프로젝트: No. 2012R1A2A2A01047478
  51. 김현욱, 박기성, 한용구, 이영구, "다중 스트림에서 효율적인 상관관계 그래프 마이닝", 데이터베이스연구회 학회지, VOL31, NO.03, pp.0003-0013, 2015.12 (프로젝트 : (No. 2012R1A2A2A01047478))
  52. 김현욱, 김태연, 박기성, 한용구, 이영구, "대용량 로드네트워크에서 효율적인 프리겔 기반의 최단경로 색인 기법", 데이터베이스연구회 학회지, vol.31, no.3, pp.83-97(15pages), 2015.12 프로젝트 : (IITP-2015-(H8501-15-1015))
  53. 김진승, 한용구, 김동수, 이영구, "iRODS 를 이용한 기상 자료 제공 시스템," 데이터베이스연구회 학회지, 2015, vol.31, no.2, pp. 3-15 (13 pages)
  54. Han, Yongkoo, Kisung Park, Jihye Hong, Noor Ulamin, and Young-Koo Lee "Distance-Constraint k-Nearest Neighbor Searching in Mobile Sensor Networks", Sensor (SCI, IF 2.245), 2015.08, ISSN 1424-8220
  55. Waqas Nawaz, Kifayat-Ullah Khan, and Young-Koo Lee, " SPORE: Shortest Path Overlapped Regions and Confined Traversals Towards Graph Clustering", Applied Intelligence, July 2015, Volume 43, Issue 1, pp 208-232, ISSN 0924-669X
  56. Kisung Park, Yongkoo Han, and Young-Koo Lee, "AGC Mine: Correlated activity pattern mining from activity graphs", ASIA LIFE SCIENCES (SCIE, IF 0.18), July 2015
  57. Waqas Nawaz, Kifayat-Ullah Khan, Young-Koo Lee, and Sungyoung Lee, " Intra graph clustering using collaborative similarity measure ", Distributed and Parallel Databases (SCIE, IF 1.0), January 2015, ISSN: 0926-8782
  58. Iram Fatima, Sajal Halder, Muhammad Aamir Saleem, Rabia Batool, Muhammad Fahim, Young-Koo Lee*, Sungyoung Lee "Smart CDSS: Integration of Social Media and Interaction Engine (SMIE) in Healthcare for Chronic Disease Patients," Multimedia Tools and Applications(SCIE, IF: 1.014), July 2015, Volume 74, Issue 14, pp 5109-5129, ISSN : 1380-7501(프로젝트 : ITRC (NIPA-2013-(H0301-13-2001))
  59. Kifayat Ullah Khan, Waqas Nawaz, Young-Koo Lee, "Set-based Approximate Approach for Lossless Graph Summarization," Computing by Springer, Apr-15 2015
  60. Ishtiaq Ahmed, Rahman Ali, Donghai Guan, Young-Koo Lee, Sungyoung Lee and TaeChoong Chung, "Semi-supervised learning using frequent itemset and ensemble learning for SMS classification," Expert Systems with Applications, vol.42, Issue 3, 15 February 2015, pp 1065-1073, ISSN 0957-4174
  61. 박기성, 한용구, 이영구, "유향그래프에서 동시발생 부분그래프 마이닝," 데이터베이스연구회 학회지, vol.30, no.02 pp.45-55(11pages), 2014.08(프로젝트 : 2012R1A2A2A01047478)
  62. 홍지혜, 한용구, 이영구, "대용량 그래프에서 k-차수 인덱스 테이블을 이용한 RDBMS 기반의 효율적인 최단 경로 탐색 기법," 정보처리학회논문지 KIPS transactions on software and data engineering 소프트웨어 및 데이터 공학, vol3, no.5, pp.179-186, 2014
  63. Kamran Najeebullah, Kifayat Ullah Khan, Waqas Nawaz and Young-Koo Lee, "BiShard Parallel Processor: A Disk-Based Processing Engine for Billion-Scale Graphs", International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering Vol.9, No.2(2014) , pp 199 - 212 , 2014 , ISSN 1975-0080, (프로젝트 : NIPA-2013(H0301-13-4006))
  64. JiHye Hong, YongKoo Han and Young-Koo Lee, "A RDBMS based framework for shortest path discovery with constraint paths", International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications Vol.8, No.2(2014), pp. 343-358, 1 February 2014, ISSN 1738-9984, (프로젝트 : (No. 2013R1A2A1A05056375))
  65. Kisung Park, Yongkoo Han, and Young-Koo Lee, "Activity Graph Feature Selection for Activity Pattern Classification ",International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks Vol. 2014, 10pages ,15 April 2014, ISSN 1550-1329(SCIE IF:0923) ,(프로젝트 : (No. 2012R1A2A2A01047478))
  66. Donghai Guan, Weiwei Yuan, Young-Koo Lee, Kamran Najeebullah and Mostofa Kamal Rasel, "A Review of Ensemble Learning Based Feature Selection", IETE Technical Review Vol. 31, No.3 , pp. 190-198, 23 May 2014, ISSN (SCIE IF:0925) , (프로젝트 : [KHU-20100168])
  67. Kifayat Ullah Khan, Waqas Nawaz and Young-Koo Lee, "An efficient algorithm for MDL based graph summarization for dense graphs", Contemporary Engineering Sciences Vol. 7, 2014, No. 16 , pp. 791 - 796, 1 July 2014, ISSN 1313-6569 , (프로젝트 : NIPA-2014(H0301-14-1020))
  68. Waqas Nawaz, Kifayat Ullah Khan and Young-Koo Lee, "Shortest path analysis for ecient traversal queries in large networks", Contemporary Engineering Sciences, Vol. 7, 2014, no. 16, pp 811-816 , 1 July 2014, ISSN 1313-6569 , (프로젝트 : NIPA-2014(H0301-14-1020))
  69. Muhammad Aamir Saleem, Young-Koo Lee, Sungyoung Lee, "Trajectory Patterns Mining Towards Lifecare Provisioning," Wireless Personal Communications(SCIE, IF: 0.428), June 2014, cvol76, issue 4, pp 747-762
  70. 홍지혜, 박기성, 한용구, 이영구, "궤적 그래프 집합 유사도 측정 기법," 정보과학회논문지 : 데이터베이스, 제 40 권 제 3 호, pp.153-158 (6pages), 2013. 6, (프로젝트: 2010-0013689)
  71. 김진승, 한용구, 이영구, "대용량 그래프에서 점진적 삼각형 리스트 추출 기법(Progressive Triangle Listing Technique in a Large-scale Graph)," 데이터베이스연구회 학회지, vol. 29, no.1, pp. 73-83(11pages), 2013.4, (프로젝트: No. 2012047478)
  72. 박기성, 윤영선, 김태연, 한용구, 이영구*, "대용량 그래프에서 프리겔 기반의 효율적인 그래프 메디안 탐색 기법," 정보과학회 데이터베이스 소사이어티, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 87-97(11pages), 2013. 12, (프로젝트: (NIPA-2013-(H0301-13-4006)))
  73. 홍지혜, 박기성, 한용구, 이영구, "개인화 서비스를 위한 그래프 기반의 궤적 데이터 모델링 기법(Graph based Trajectory Data Modeling Method for Personalized Services)," 정보과학회논문지: 컴퓨팅의 실제 및 레터, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 51-55(5pages), 2013.1, (프로젝트: 2012-026326)
  74. Pham Thi Thu Thuy, Young-Koo Lee and Sungyoung Lee, "A Semantic Approach for Transforming XML Data into RDF Ontology", Wireless Personal Communications (WPC) (SCIE: IF : 0.428), December 2013, vol.73, issue 4, pp.1387-1402(프로젝트 : [NIPA-2013-(H0301-13-2001)])
  75. Muhammad Hameed Siddiqi, Sungyoung Lee, Young-Koo Lee, Adil Mehmood Khan and Phan Tran Ho Truc, "Hierarchical Recognition Scheme for Human Facial Expression Recognition Systems," Journal of Sensors (SCIE, IF: 1.953), vol. 13,no. 12, pp. 16682-16713, 5 December 2013, ISSN 1424-8220,(프로젝트 : [KHU-20090439])
  76. Iram Fatima, Muhammad Fahim, Young-Koo Lee and Sungyoung Lee, "A Genetic Algorithm-based Classifier Ensemble Optimization for Activity Recognition in Smart Homes," KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (TIIS) (SCIE, IF: 0.56), vol. 7, no. 11, pp. 2853-2873 , November 2013, ISSN : 1976-7277, J\_168(프로젝트 : ITRC(NIPA-2011-(C1090-1121-0003))
  77. Anh Pham The, Nguyen Duc Thang, La The Vinh, Young-Koo Lee* and Sungyoung Lee, "Deflationbased power iteration clustering," Applied Intelligence (SCI, IF1.853) ,September 2013, vol. 39, issue 2,pp. 367-385, ISSN : 0924-669X, J\_167, (프로젝트 : NRF((MEST) (No. 2010-0013689))
  78. Iram Fatima, Muhammad Fahim, Young-Koo Lee* and Sungyoung Lee, "Analysis and effects of smart home dataset characteristics for daily life activity recognition," The Journal of Supercomputing (SCI, IF:0.917 November 2013, vol. .66, issue. .2, pp. 760-780, ISSN : 0920-8542 (프로젝트 : ITRC NIPA-2013-(H0301-13-2001))
  79. Iram Fatima, Muhammad Fahim, Young-Koo Lee* and Sungyoung Lee, "MODM: Multi-Objective Diffusion Model for Dynamic Social Networks using Evolutionary Algorithm," The Journal of Supercomputing (SCI, IF:0. 0.917) , vol.66, issue.2, pp. 738-759, November 2013, (프로젝트 : NRF (MEST) (No. 2012047478))
  80. Iram Fatima, Muhammad Fahim, Young-Koo Lee* and Sungyoung Lee, "A Unified Framework for Activity Recognition-Based Behavior Analysis and Action Prediction in Homes," Sensors (SCIE, IF: 1.739), EISSN: 1424-8220, pp.2682-2699 Vol. 13, Issue 2, February 2013. (프로젝트 : ITRC [NIPA, NIPA-2012-(H0301-12-2001)])
  81. Yongkoo Han, Kisung Park, Donghai Guan, Sajal Halder and Young-Koo Lee "Topological Similarity- Based Feature Selection for Graph Classification," The Computer journal (SCIE, IF:0.755), ISSN: 1460- 2067, vol. 56), October 2013. (프로젝트 : NRF (MEST) [No. 2012R1A2A2A01047478]) (published online)
  82. Pham Thi Thu Thuy , Young-Koo Lee* and Sungyoung Lee, "Semantic and structural similarities between XML Schemas for integration of ubiquitous healthcare data," Personal and Ubiquitous Computing(SCIE, IF: 1.133), October 2013, vol.17, issue 7, pp. 1331-1339, ISSN : 1617-4909(프로젝트 : (KHU-20101372) )
  83. 박기성, 한용구, 이영구, "빈발 부분그래프 마이닝의 반복 수행에서 중복 연산 제거 기법 (Redundant Operation Reduction Technique on Repeated Mining of Frequent Subgraphs)," 정보과학회논문지: 데이타베이스, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 172-179(8pages), 2012.6.
  84. 이승현, 박기성, 홍지혜, 한용구, 이영구, "최적 주파수 연동을 이용한 저전력 경량 행위인식 방법 (A Method for Low Power Lightweight Activity Recognition using Optimal Frequencies)," 한국정보과학회 데이터베이스연구회지, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 139-153(15pages), 2012.4.
  85. Manhyung Han, La The Vinh, Young-Koo Lee and Sungyoung Lee, "Comprehensive Context Recognizer Based on Multimodal Sensors in a Smartphone", Journal of Sensors, MDPI, (SCIE, IF: 1.77), vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 12588-12605, 2012
  86. M Fahim, I.Fatima, S.Lee and Y.K. Lee, "EEM: Evolutionary Ensembles Model for Activity Recognition in Smart Homes", International Journal of Applied Intelligence, Springer, (SCI, IF: 0.893), ISSN:1573- 7497, June 14, 2012
  87. Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed, Syed Khairuzzaman Tanbeer, Byeong-Soo Jeong, Young-Koo Lee, Ho-Jin Choi, "Single-pass incremental and interactive mining for weighted frequent patterns," Expert Syst. Appl., Sciencedirect, (SCIE, IF: 2.203), Vol.39, no. 9, pp. 7976-7994, 2012
  88. Zeeshan Pervez, Asad Masood Khattak, Sungyoung Lee, Young-Koo Lee, "Achieving Dynamic and Distributed Session Management with Chord for Software as a Service Cloud," Journal of Software, Academy Publisher, (SCI) vol.7, no.6, pp. 1403-1412, 2012
  89. Zeeshan Pervez, Asad Masood Khattak, Sungyoung Lee, and Young-Koo Lee, "Oblivious Access Control Policies For Cloud Based Data Sharing Systems", Computing, Springer (SCI, IF: 1.087), ISSN 0010-485X, vol. 94, no. 12, pp.915938, December, 2012.
  90. Pham Thi Thu Thuy, Young-Koo Lee and Sungyoung Lee, "S-Trans: Semantic Transformation of XML Healthcare Data into OWL Ontology," Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier, (SCI, IF:1.574), ISSN: 0950-7051, Vol.35, pp.349-356, April 10, 2012.
  91. Yongkoo Han, Manhyung Han, Jehad Sarkar, Sungyoung Lee and Young-koo Lee, "A framework for supervising the lifestyle diseases using long-term activity monitoring," Journal of Sensors, MDPI (SCIE, IF 1.77), ISSN 1424-8220, vol.12, no.5, pp.5363-5379, 2012.
  92. Pham Thi Thu Thuy, , Young-Koo Lee and Sungyoung Lee, "Semantic and structural similarities between XML Schemas for integration of ubiquitous healthcare data," Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Springer, (SCIE, IF: 1.137), pp.1-9, ISSN: 1617-4909, July, 2012
  93. Asad Masood Khattak, Zeeshan Pervez, Sungyoung Lee and Young-Koo Lee, "Intelligent Healthcare Service Provisioning using Ontology with Low Level Sensory Data," Transaction on Internet Information Systems (TIIS) (SCI, IF: 0.164) ISSN: 1976-7277, Vol.5, No 11, pp. 2016-2034, 2012
  94. Zeeshan Pervez, Asad Masood Khattak, Sungyoung Lee and Young-Koo Lee, "SAPDS: Self-Healing Attribute-Based Privacy Aware Data Sharing in Cloud," Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, (SCI, IF 0.534), , Vol. 62, No. 1, pp.431-460, ISSN: 0920-8542, October 7, 2012
  95. 한용구, 박기성, 이영구, "헬스케어를 위한 그래프 모델 기반 행위 패턴 마이닝", Korea Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE 2011),Vol.38, No. 5, NOVEMBER 2011, p270- 279
  96. 한용구, 박기성, 이영구, "동시 발생 빈발 부분그래프를 이용한 그래프 분류", Korea Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers (KIISE 2011),Vol.17, No. 11, OCTOBER 2011, p597-601
  97. 김진승, 한용구, 이영구, "동영상 등장인물의 자동색인을 위한 효율적인 저장과 검색 방법", Journal of Korea Multimedia Society Vol. 14, No. 8, August 2011(pp. 1050-1060)
  98. Viet-Hung Dang, Viet-Duc Le, Young-Koo Lee, Sungyoung Lee, "Distributed Push-pull Estimation for node localization in wireless sensor networks", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Sciencedirect, (SCI), vol 71, issue 3, pp. 471-484 March, 2011, USA, (SCI,IF 1.078) ISSN:0743-7315
  99. M. Shoyaib, A.M.J. Sarkar, A.M. Khan, O. Chae, and Y.K. Lee, "Active tool for human activity data collection,"Electronics Letters, IEEE Xplore, Volume 47, Issue 25, p.1370-1372, (SCI, IF 0.965) 8 December, 2011
  100. Donghai Guan, Tinghuai Ma, Weiwei Yuan, Young-Koo Lee and A. M. Jehad Sarkar, "Review of Sensor-based Activity Recognition Systems", IETE TECHNICAL REVIEW, IETE, vol 28, issue 5, (SCIE, IF 0.724) SEP-OCT 2011, pp. 418-433
  101. Yu Niu, Jin Wang, Sungyoung Lee, Young-koo Lee, "Backbone Tree based Data Gathering protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks", the Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences (AISS), TechRepublic, (SCIE, IF: 1.406) ISSN :1976-3700, pp.351-360, Vol. 3, No. 8 , 2011.09.01
  102. Muhammad Hameed Siddiqi, Sungyoung Lee and Young-Koo Lee, "Efficient Algorithm for Real-Time Specific Weed Leaf Classification System", Journal of Communication and Computer (JCC), David Publishing Company- Non SCI, ISSN: 1548-7709, 2011
  103. Viet-Hung Dang, Sungyoung Lee and Young-Koo Lee, "A Distributed Design for Multiple Moving Source Positioning", Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, (SCI, IF: 0.687), ISSN: 0920-8542, 2011
  104. Phan Tran Ho Truc, Tae-Seong Kim, Sungyoung Lee and Young-Koo Lee*, "Homogeneity- and density distance-driven active contours for medical image segmentation", Computers in Biology and Medicine, Sciencedirect, (SCI, IF: 1.269), ISSN: 0010-4825,pp.292-301, Vol41, Issue 5, April 9, 2011
  105. Nguyen Duc Thang, Tahir Rasheed, Young-Koo Lee, Sungyoung Lee and Tae-Seong Kim*, "Contentbased Facial Image Retrieval Using Constrained Independent Component Analysis", Information Sciences, Sciencedirect, (SCI, IF 3.291), ISSN: 0020-0255, pp.3162-3174, Vol. 181, Issue 15, Avaliable online, April 3, 2011
  106. 조혜원, 한용구, 이영구, "플래시메모리 DBMS를 위한 블록의 비고정적 로그 영역 관리 기법", 한국정보과학회 논문지:데이터베이스, 제 37권, 제 5호, pp. 238-249, 2010년 10월
  107. 한용구, 김진승, 이승현, 이영구, "iRODS를 이용한 대용량 전자기록물 관리 시스템", 한국정보과학회 논문지:컴퓨터의 실제, 제 16권, 제 8호, pp. 825-836, 2010년 8월
  108. Adil Mehmood Khan, Young-Koo Lee*, Sungyoung Lee and Tae-Seoung Kim, "Accelerometer's Position Independent Physical Activity Recognition System for Long-term Activity Monitoring in the Elderly", Accepted, to be published in Springer Medical \& Biological Engineering \& Computing(SCI), Volume 48, Number 12, 1271-1279, IF: 1.78, December 2010
  109. Weiwei Yuan*, Lei Shu, Han-Chieh Chao, Donghai Guan, Young-Koo Lee, Sungyoung Lee, "ITARS: trust-aware recommender system using implicit trust networks", IET Communications(SCI, IF 0.963), ISSN: 1751-8628, Volume 4, Issue 14, p.1709-1721, 24 September 2010
  110. Xuan Hung Le, Sungyoung Lee*, Young-Koo Lee, Heejo Lee, Murad Khalid and Ravi Sankar, "Activity- Oriented Access Control to Ubiquitous Hospital Information and Services", Information Sciences(SCI), ISSN: 0020-0255, IF: 3.05, Volume 180, Issue 16, p.2979-2990, April.19, 2010(Accepted) , 15 August 2010
  111. Adil Mehmood Khan, Young-Koo Lee, Sungyoung Lee and Tae-Seoung Kim, "A Triaxial Accelerometer-based Physical Activity Recognition via Augmented Features and a Hierarchical Recognizer", IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society(SCI), Volume 14, Number 5, ISSN 1089-7771 p.1166- 1172, IF: 1.939, September 2010
  112. Asad Masood Khattak, A.M. Khan, Sungyoung Lee* and Young-Koo Lee, "Analyzing Association Rule Mining and Clustering on Sales Day Data with XLMiner and Weka", International Journal of Database Theory and Application(Non SCI) , Volume 3, No. 1, June, 2010
  113. Weiwei Yuan, Donghai Guan, Young-Koo Lee * and Sungyoung Lee, "The Small-World Trust Network", Applied Intelligence(SCI), IF: 0.775, pp.399-410, Vol 35, Issue 3, April.27, p.1-12, 2010(Published Online)
  114. Syed Muhammad Khaliq-ur-Rahman Raazi, Heejo Lee, Sungyoung Lee* and Young-Koo Lee, "BARI+: A Biometric Based Distributed Key Management Approach for Wireless Body Area Networks", Sensors(SCIE)->(SCI), IF: 1.87, pp.3911-3933, Vol. 10, Issue 4,April.16, 2010
  115. Weiwei Yuan, Donghai Guan, Young-Koo Lee*, and Sungyoung Lee and Sung Jin Hur, "Improved trustaware recommender system using small-worldness of trust networks", Journal of Knowledge Based Systems, Elsevier(SCIE)->(SCI), ISSN: 0950-7051, IF:0.924, Volume 23, Issue 3, April 2010, Pages 232-238 ,April.1, 2010
  116. Donghai Guan, Weiwei Yuan, Young-Koo Lee* and Sungyoung Lee, "Identifying mislabeled training data with the aid of unlabeled data", Applied Intelligence(SCI), IF: 0.775, Mar.25, 2010
  117. Jehad Sarkar, Young-Koo Lee* and Sungyoung Lee, "GPARS: a General-Purpose Activity Recognition System", Applied Intelligence, Springer(SCI), ISSN: 0924-669X, IF: 0.775, Mar.14, 2010, Volume 35, Number 2, pp. 242-259
  118. La The Vinh, Le Xuan Hung, Ngo Quoc Hung, Hyoung Il Kim, Manhyung Han, Young-Koo Lee and Sungyoung Lee*, "Semi Markov Conditional Random Fields for Accelerometer Based Activity Recognition", Applied Intelligence(SCI), ISSN: 0924-669X, IF: 0.775, Mar.12, 2010 09, Volume 35, Number 2, pp. 226-241
  119. Jehad Sarkar, Young-Koo Lee* and Sungyoung Lee, "A Smoothed Naive Bayes Based Classifier for Activity Recognition", IETE TECHNICAL REVIEW(SCIE)->(SCI), ISSN: 0256-4602, Vo. 27, Issue 2, pp 107-119, IF:0.025, Published bimonthly by the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, Mar.1, 2010
  120. Riaz Ahmed Shaikh, Young-Koo Lee and Sungyoung Lee*, "An Extended Energy Consumption Analysis of Reputation-based Trust Management Schemes of Wireless Sensor networks", Special issue of Journal of Networks, Academy Publisher(Non SCI-기타저널), Vol 5, No 3, p283-291, ISSN 1796- 2056, Mar.1, 2010
  121. Nguyen Duc Thang, Tae-Seong Kim*, Young-Koo Lee and Sungyoung Lee, "Estimation of 3-D Human Body Posture via Co-Registration of 3-D Human Model and Sequential Stereo Information", Applied Intelligence(SCI), ISSN: 0924-669X, IF: 0.775, Feb.20, 2010 , Vol 35, Issue 2, pp.163-177
  122. Wang, Jinsung Cho, Sungyoung Lee*, Kwang-Cheng Chen and Young-Koo Lee, "Hop-based Energy Aware Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks", IEICE Transactions on Communications(SCI). Vol. E93-B, No. 2, pp. 305-316, ISSN: 0916-8516, IF: 0.427, Feb.1, 2010
  123. Syed Muhammad Khaliq-ur-Rahman Raazi, Heejo Lee, Sungyoung Lee* and Young-Koo Lee, "MUQAMI+: A Scalable and Locally Distributed Key Management Scheme for Clustered Sensor Networks", Annals of Telecommunications(SCI), Vol. 65, No. 1-2, pp. 101-116, ISSN 0003-4347(print) 1958-9395(Online), IF:0.333Feb. 2010
  124. Md. Kamrul Hassan, Mohammad Kaykobad, Young-Koo Lee and Sungyoung Lee*, "A Comprehensive Analysis of Degree Based Condition for Hamiltonian Cycles", Theoretical Computer Science(SCI). Vol 411, Issue 1, pp 285-287, IF: 0.806, ISSN 0304-3975, Jan.1, 2010
  125. Tahir Rasheed, Young-Koo Lee, Sungyoung Lee and Tae-Seong Kim, "Constrained Spatiotemporal Independent Component Analysis and Its Application for fMRI Data Analysis", Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research, vol .30, no. 5, pp.373-380, 2009.10 (KCI)
  126. Phan. T. H. Truc, Tae-Seong Kim*, Sungyoung Lee and Young-Koo Lee, "A study on the feasibility of Active Contours on Automatic CT bone segmentation", Journal of Digital Imaging(SCI), ISSN 0897- 1889, Jun.4, 2009
  127. Xuan Hung Le, Sungyoung Lee*, Ismail Butun, Murad Khalid, Ravi Sankar, Miso (Hyoung-IL) Kim, Man-Hyung Han, Young-Koo Lee, Heejo Lee, "An Energy Efficient Access Control Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography", Journal of Communications and Networks, Special Issues on Secure Wireless Networking(SCI), Vol. 11, No. 6, ISSN 1229-2370, p.599- 606 Dec.2009
  128. Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed, Syed Khairuzzaman Tanbeer, Byeong-Soo Jeong, and Young-Koo Lee, "Efficient Tree Structures for High Utility Pattern Mining in Incremental Databases", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 12, pp. 1708-1721, ISSN 1041-4347, Dec. 2009. (SCI)
  129. Syed Khairuzzaman Tanbeer, Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed, Byeong-Soo Jeong, and Young-Koo Lee, "Sliding Window-based Frequent Pattern Mining over Data Streams", Information Sciences, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, Vol. 179, No. 22, pp. 3843-3865, ISSN 0020-0255, Nov. 2009. (SCI)
  130. Md. Kamrul Hasan, Lenin Mehedy, Muhammad Salim Zabir, Sungyoung Lee and Young-Koo Lee, "A Middleware Based Network Hot Swapping Solution for SCA Compliant Radio", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics(SCI), Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 1315-1321, ISSN 0098-3063, August, 2009
  131. Md. Kamrul Hasan, Kim Anh Pham Ngoc, Young-Koo Lee and Sungyoung Lee, "Preference Learning on an OSGi Based Home Gateway", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics(SCI), Vol. 55, No. 3, pp. 1322-1329, ISSN 0098-3063, August, 2009
  132. Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed, Syed Khairuzzaman Tanbeer, Byeong-Soo Jeong, and Young-Koo Lee, "An Efficient Algorithm for Sliding Window-Based Weighted Frequent Pattern Mining over Data Streams," IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, Vol. E92-D, No. 7, pp. 1369-1381, ISSN 0916-8532, July 2009.F (SCI)
  133. Donghai Guan, Weiwei Yuan, Young-Koo Lee and Sungyoung Lee, "Nearest Neighbor Editing Aided by Unlabeled Data", Information Sciences(SCI), Vol. 179, No. 13, pp.2273-2282, ISSN 0020-0255, Feb. 13, 2009
  134. Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed, Syed Khairuzzaman Tanbeer, Byeong-Soo Jeong and Young-Koo Lee, "An Efficient Candidate Pruning Technique for High Utility Pattern Mining", PAKDD(13th Pacific-Asia Conference) Bangkok, Thailand, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009, LNAI 5476, LNCS(Lecture Notes in Computer Science), 학술도서(Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining), Corresponding Author: 없음, Volume 5476/2009, page: 749-756, ISBN: 978-3-642-01306-5, ISSN: 0302-9743, April 27-30, 2009.
  135. Syed Khairuzzaman Tanbeer, Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed, Byeong-Soo Jeong and Young-Koo Lee, "Discovering Periodic-Frequent Patterns in Transactional Databases", PAKDD(13th Pacific-Asia Conference) Bangkok, Thailand, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009, LNAI 5476, LNCS(Lecture Notes in Computer Science), 학술도서(Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining), Corresponding Author: 없음, Volume 5476/2009, page: 242-253, ISBN: 978-3-642-01306-5, ISSN: 0302-9743, April 27-30, 2009.
  136. Tahir Rasheed, Young-Koo Lee, Soo Yeol Lee, Tae-Seong Kim, "Attenuation of artifacts in EEG signals measured inside an MRI scanner using constrained independent component analysis", PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT(SCI, IF 1.430), IOP PUBLISHING LTD, Vol. 30, pp.387-404, ISSN 0967-3334, Mar. 25, 2009
  137. Syed Khairuzzaman Tanbeer, Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed, Byeong-Soo Jeong, Young-Koo Lee, "Efficient Single-pass Frequent Pattern Mining using a Prefix-tree", Information Sciences(SCI), ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, Vol. 179, No. 5, pp. 559-583, Feb. 2009
  138. Le Xuan Hung, Sung-Young Lee, Young-Koo Lee and Heejo Lee, "SCODE: A Secure Coordinationbased Data Dissemination to mobile Sink in Sensor Networks", The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers(IEICE Transactions on Communication)(SCI), Oxford University Press, Vol. E92-B, No. 1, ISSN(printed): 0916-8516, ISSN(electronic): 1745-1337, accepted, Jan 2009
  139. P. T. H. Truc, Md. A. U. Khan, Y.-K. Lee, S. Y. Lee, and T.-S. Kim, "Vessel Enhancement Filter using Directional Filter Bank", Computer Vision and Image Understanding(SCI), ELSEVIER SCIENCE Inc., New York, USA, Vol. 113, No. 1, pp. 101-112, ISSN: 1077-3142, Jan. 2009
  140. 이 영구, 김 원영, "이동객체 데이터베이스에서의 밀집 영역 연속 탐색," 한국 인터넷 정보학회, 제 9권, 제 4호, pp. 115-131, 2008년 8월.
  141. Chowdhury Farhan AHMED , Syed Khairuzzaman TANBEER, Byeong-Soo JEONG and Young-Koo LEE, "Mining Weighted Frequent Patterns in Incremental Databases", 10th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2008), LNAI 5351, PRICAI 2008: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, ISSN: 0302-9743, pp.933-938, Springer-Verlag (Berlin, Heidelberg), Hanoi, Vietnam, Dec. 15-19, 2008.
  142. Chowdhury Farhan AHMED , Syed Khairuzzaman TANBEER, Byeong-Soo JEONG and Young-Koo LEE, "Efficient Single-Pass Mining of Weighted Interesting Patterns", 21st Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 5360, AI 2008: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, ISSN: 0302-9743, pp.404-415, Springer-Verlag (Berlin, Heidelberg), Auckland, New Zealand, Dec. 1-5, 2008.
  143. Donghai Guan, Weiwei Yuan, Young-Koo Lee, Andrey Gavrilov, Sung-Young Lee, "Improving supervised learning performance by using fuzzy clustering method to select training data", Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems(SCIE), IOS Press, Volume 19, Issue 4,5 , Page. 321-334, ISSN: 1064-1246, Dec. 2008.
  144. Syed Khairuzzaman TANBEER, Chowdhury Farhan AHMED, Byeong-Soo JEONG and Young-Koo LEE, "Mining Regular Patterns in Transactional Databases", IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems(SCIE), Vol.E91-D No.11 pp.2568-2577, ISSN: 0916-8532, Nov. 2008
  145. Chowdhury Farhan AHMED , Syed Khairuzzaman TANBEER, Byeong-Soo JEONG and Young-Koo LEE , "Handling Dynamic Weights in Weighted Frequent Pattern Mining", IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems(SCIE), Vol.E91-D No.11 pp.2578-2588, ISSN: 0916-8532, Nov. 2008
  146. Syed Khairuzzaman Tanbeer, Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed, Byeong-Soo Jeong, and Young-Koo Lee, "RP-Tree: A Tree Structure to Discover Regular Patterns in Transactional Database", IDEAL(9th Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning), Daejeon, Korea, Nov. 2-5, 2008, LNCS(Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Corresponding Author: 없음, Volume 5326/2008, pp. 193- 200, ISSN: 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online), ISBN: 978-3-540-88905-2, Nov. 2008.
  147. Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed, Syed Khairuzzaman Tanbeer, Byeong-Soo Jeong, and Young-Koo Lee, "Mining Weighted Frequent Patterns Using Adaptive Weights", IDEAL(9th Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning), Daejeon, Korea, Nov. 2-5, 2008, LNCS(Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Corresponding Author: 없음, Volume 5326/2008, pp. 258-265, ISSN: 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online), ISBN: 978-3-540-88905-2, Nov. 2008.
  148. Lenin Mehedy, Sungyoung Lee, Salauddin Muhammad Salim Zabir, Young-Koo Lee, "Scalable and Adaptive Context Delivery Mechanism for Context Aware Computing", IJPCC (International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Vol. 4, Issue. 2, Pages. 166-184, ISSN: 1742-7371, June 2008
  149. Uzair Ahmad, Brian J d'auriol, Young-Koo Lee, Sung-Young Lee, "Multi-floor Semantically Meaningful Localization Using IEEE 802.11 Network Beacons", IEICE Transactions on Communications(SCI), Corresponding Author: non-Author, vol. E91-B, No. 11, pp. 3450-3460, ISSN(printed): 0916-8516, ISSN(electronic): 1745-1345, Nov. 2008
  150. Uzair Ahmad, Andrey V. Gavrilov, Sung-Young Lee, and Young-Koo Lee, "A Modular Classification Model for Received Signal Strength Based Location Systems", Neurocomputing(SCI), Elsevier Science BV, Corresponding Author: Young-Koo Lee, Vol. 71, No. 13-15, pp. 2657-2669, ISSN: 0925-2312, Aug. 2008
  151. Uzair Ahmad, Andrey Gavrilov, Young-Koo Lee, and Sung-Young Lee, "Context-aware, self-scaling Fuzzy ArtMap for received signal strength based location systems", Soft Computing(SCI), Springer Berlin, Germany, Vol.12, No.7, pp.699-713, ISSN: 1432-7643, May 2008.
  152. Syed Khairuzzaman Tanbeer, Chowdhury Farhan Ahmed, Byeong-Soo Jeong and Young-Koo Lee, "CP-Tree: A Tree Structure for Single-Pass Frequent Pattern Mining", PAKDD(12th Pacific-Asia Conference) Osaka, Japan, May 2008, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008, LNAI 5012, LNCS(Lecture Notes in Computer Science), 학술도서(Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining), Corresponding Author: 없음, Volume 5012/2008, page: 1022-1027, ISSN: 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online), ISBN: 978-3-540-68124-3, May 2008.
  153. Min Meng, Jie Yang, Hui Xu, Byeong-Soo Jeong, Young-Koo Lee, and Sung-Young Lee. "Query Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks", IJMUE(International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering), SERSC(Science \& Engineering Research Support Center, Republic of Korea), Corresponding Author: 없음, Vol. 3, No. 1, ISSN: 1738-9984, Jan , 2008
  154. P. T. H. Truc, T.-S. Kim, Y. H. Kim, Y. K. Lee, and S. Y. Lee, "Automatic Bone Segmentation from CT Images using Chan-Vese Multiphase Active Contour", Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research (in press). Corresponding author: T.-S. Kim. 2007
  155. T.-S. Kim, J. J. Lee, S.-J. Hwang, Y.-K. Lee, J.-H. Park, "Spatiotemporal Analysis of Hippocampal Long Term Potentiation Using Independent Component Analysis," Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research, Vol. 28, pp. 17-23, Feb. 2007.
  156. Xiaoling Wu, Jinsung Cho, Brian J. D'Auriol, Sung-Young Lee, and Young-Koo Lee, "An Integrated Sleep-Scheduling and Routing Algorithm in Ubiquitous Sensor Networks Based on AHP," IEICE Trans. on Communications(SCI), Vol. E90-B, No. 12, pp. 3392-3401, Dec. 2007.
  157. Xiaoling Wu, Hui Gao, Hoon Heo, Oksam Chae, Jinsung Cho, Sung-Young Lee, and Young-Koo Lee, "Improved B-Spline Contour Fitting Using Genetic Algorithm for the Segmentation of Dental CT Image Sequences", Journal of Imaging Science and Technology (JIST)(SCI), Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Vol. 51, No. 4, July/August issue, 2007. Corresponding author: Young-Koo Lee.
  158. 김대호, 정병수, 이 영구, "이동 데이터베이스 시스템에서 타임스탬프를 이용한 낙관적 동시성 제어 기법", 한국정보과학회 논문지, 제 7권, 제 4호, pp. 79-90, 2006년 8월
  159. Weiwei Yuan, Donghai Guan, Sungyoung Lee, Young-Koo Lee and Andrey Gavrilov, "Finding Reliable Recommendations for Trust Model", The 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2006), Wuhan, China, pp.375-386, LNCS 4255, October 23-26, 2006
  160. Tahir Rasheed, Myung Ho In, Young-Koo Lee, and Sung-Young Lee, "Constrained ICA Based Ballistocardiogram and Electro-oculogram Artifacts Removal from Visual Evoked Potential EEG Signals Measured inside MRI," Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4232, pp.1088-1097, 2006
  161. Donghai Guan, Qing Li, Sung-Young Lee, and Young-Koo Lee, "A Context-Aware Music Recommendation Agent in Smart Office," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, ISSN 0302-9743, volume 4223/2006
  162. Weiwei Yuan, Donghai Guan, Sung-Young Lee, and Young-Koo Lee, "A Dynamic Trust Model Based on Naive Bayes Classifier for Ubiquitous Environments," Second International Conference, HPCC 2006(SCIE), Munich, Germany, September 2006
  163. Xiaoling Wu, Yu Niu, Lei Shu, Jinsung Cho, Young-Koo Lee, and Sung-Young Lee, "Relay Shift Based Self-Deployment for Mobility Limited Sensor Networks", The 3rd International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC-06), Sept 3-6, 2006, Wuhan and Three Gorges, China (LNCS)
  164. Faraz Rasheed, Young-Koo Lee, and Sung-Young Lee, "Towards Summarized Representation of Time Series Data in Pervasive Computing Systems," Third International Conference, UIC 2006(SCIE), Wuhan, China, September 2006
  165. Donghai Guan, Weiwei Yuan, A. Gavrilov, Sung-Young Lee, Young-Koo Lee, and Sangman Han, "Using Fuzzy Decision Tree to Handle Uncertainty in Context Deduction", 2006 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Kunming, China, August 16-19, 2006, http://www.icic. org/2006/index.htm, (LNCS)
  166. Donghai Guan, Weiwei Yuan, Young-Koo Lee, and Sung-Young Lee, and Sangman Han, "Utilizing a Hierarchical Method to Deal with Uncertainty in Context-aware Systems", 2006 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Kunming, China, August 16-19, 2006,, (LNCS)
  167. Md. Kamrul Hasan, Kim Anh, Lenin Mehedy, Young-Koo Lee, and Sung-Young Lee, "Conflict Resolution and Preference Learning in Ubiquitous Environment", 2006 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Kunming, China, August 16-19, 2006,, (LNCS)
  168. Uzair Ahmad, Sung-Young Lee, Young-Koo Lee, and Sang Man Han, "Location-ware: A Distributed Wireless Site Calibration System for Location Awareness", The 2006 IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC-06), Seoul, Korea, August 01-04, 2006,, (LNCS)
  169. Lenin Mehedy, Md. Kamrul Hasan, Young-Koo Lee, Sung-Young Lee, and Sang Man Han, "Hybrid Dissemination Based Scalable and Adaptive Context Delivery for Ubiquitous Computing", The 2006 IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC-06), Seoul, Korea, August 01-04, 2006,, (LNCS)
  170. Andrey Gavrilov, Young-Koo Lee and Sung-Young Lee, "Hybrid Neural Network Model Based on Multi-layer Perceptron and Adaptive Resonance Theory", TAdvances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2006: Third International Symposium on Neural Networks, ISNN 2006, Chengdu, China, May 28 - June 1, 2006, volume 3971, pp. 707 - 713(LNCS)
  171. Tran Van Phuong, Le Xuan Hung, Seong Jin Cho, Sung-Young Lee, and Young-Koo Lee, "An Anomaly Detection Algorithm for Detecting Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (ISI 2006), May 23-24, 2006, San Diego, California,, (LNCS)
  172. Pho Duc Giang, Le Xuan Hung, Yonil Zhung, Sung-Young Lee and Young-Koo Lee, "A Home Firewall Solution for Securing Smart Spaces", Intelligence and Security Informatics: IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, ISI 2006, San Diego, CA, USA, May 23-24, 2006, volume 3975, pp. 760 - 761(lncs)
  173. Le Xuan Hung, Hassan Jammeel, Seong Jin Cho, Yuan Weiwei, Sung-Young Lee, and Young-Koo Lee, "A Trust Model for Uncertainty in Ubiquitous Environments", IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (ISI 2006), May 23-24, 2006, San Diego, California,, (LNCS),
  174. Le Xuan Hung, Pho Duc Giang, Yonil Zhung, Tran Van Phuong, Sung-Young Lee, and Young-Koo Lee, "A Trust-based Security Architecture for Ubiquitous Computing Systems", IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (ISI 2006), May 23-24, 2006, San Diego, California,, (LNCS),
  175. Byeong-Soo Jeong and Young-Koo Lee, "Storing and Querying of XML Documents Without Redundant Path Information," Computational Science and Its Applications ICCSA 2006(SCIE), Glasgow, UK, May 8-11, 2006
  176. Faraz Rasheed, Young-Koo Lee, Sung-Young Lee, "Applying Context Summarization Techniques in Pervasive Computing Systems," The fourth IEEE Workshop on Software Technologies for future Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems and the 2006 International workshop on Collaborative Computing, Integration, and Assurance, Gyeongju, Korea, April 27-28, 2006, pp. 107-112
  177. Young-Koo Lee, Woong-Kee Loh, Yang-Sae Moon, Kyu-Young Whang, and Il-Yeol Song, "An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Range-Groupby Queries," Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 11th International Conference(SCIE), DASFAA 2006, Singapore, April 12-15, 2006
  178. Faraz Rasheed, Young-Koo Lee and Sungyoung Lee, "Towards Summarized Representation of Time series Data in Pervasive Computing Systems", The 3rd International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 06), China, ISSN: 0302-9743, LNCS: 4159, pp 658-668, 2006
  179. Le Xuan Hung, Nguyen Ngoc Diep, Yonil Zhung, Sung-Young Lee, and Young-Koo Lee, "A Flexible and Scalable Access Control for Ubiquitous Computing Environments", IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (ISI 2006), May 23-24, 2006, San Diego, California,, (LNCS)Volume 3975 Intelligence and Security Informatics: IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, ISI 2006, San Diego, CA, USA, May 23-24, 2006, pp. 688 - 689,
  180. 이혜자, 정병수, 이 영구, "대용량 XML 데이터베이스에서 경로정보의 중복을 제거한 효율적인 질의처리", 한국정보과학회 논문지:데이터베이스, 제 21권, 제 3호, pp. 15-33, 2005년, 11월
  181. 이혜자, 정병수, 김대호, 이 영구, "경로정보의 중복을 제거한 XML 문서의 저장 및 질의처리 기법", 정보처리학회논문지D, 제 12-D권, 제 5호, pp. 663-672, 2005년, 10월
  182. 이재원, 이 영구, "유비쿼터스 물류를 위한 EPC기반 RFID 정보서비스 구조", 한국지능정보시스템학회 춘계학술대회 논문집, pp. 139-148, 2005년 5월
  183. Kim Anh Ngoc Pham, Young-Koo Lee and Sung Young Lee, "Middleware Architecture for Context Knowledge Discovery in Ubiquitous Computing," Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing: International Conference EUC 2005, Nagasaki, Japan, December 6-9, 2005, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS 3824), pp. 1177-1188(SCIE) ISSN: 0302-9743.
  184. Ali Sajjad, Hassan Jameel, Umar Kalim, Young-Koo Lee and Sung-Young Lee, "A Component-based Architecture for an Autonomic Middleware Enabling Mobile Access to Grid Infrastructure," Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing: EUC 2005 Workshops: UISW, NCUS, SecUbiq, USN, and TAUES, Nagasaki, Japan, December 6-9, 2005, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS 3823), pp. 1225- 1234(SCIE) ISSN: 0302-9743.
  185. Wang Jin, Shu Lei, Jinsung Cho, Young-Koo Lee, Sung-Young Lee and Yonil Zhong, "A Load- Balancing and Energy-Aware Clustering Algorithm in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks," Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing: EUC 2005 Workshops: UISW, NCUS, SecUbiq, USN, and TAUES, Nagasaki, Japan, December 6-9, 2005, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS 3823), pp. 1108- 1117(SCIE).
  186. Binh An Truong, Young-Koo Lee and Sung Young Lee, "A Unified Context Model: Bringing Probabilistic Models to Context Ontology," Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing: EUC 2005 Workshops: UISW, NCUS, SecUbiq, USN, and TAUES, Nagasaki, Japan, December 6-9, 2005, Springer- Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS 3823), pp. 566-575(SCIE).
  187. Umar Kalim, Sung-Young Lee, Young-Koo Lee, Yonil Zhung, "Framework of an Application-Aware Adaptation Scheme for Disconnected Operations," IWAN, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (to be published), November 2005 (SCIE). =->?
  188. Kim Anh Pham Ngoc, Young-Koo Lee and Sung-Young Lee, "OWL-Based User Preference and Behavior Routine Ontology for Ubiquitous System," On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE: OTM Confederated International Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE 2005(SCIE), Agia Napa, Cyprus, October 31 - November 4, 2005, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS 3761), pp. 1615-1622
  189. Kim Anh Pham Ngoc, Young-Koo Lee and Sung-Young Lee, "Context Knowledge Discovery in Ubiquitous Computing," On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: OTM Workshops: OTM Confederated Internationl Workshops and Posters, AWeSOMe, CAMS, GADA, MIOS+INTEROP, ORM, PhDS, SeBGIS, SWWS, and WOSE 2005(SCIE), Agia Napa, Cyprus, October 31 - November 4, 2005, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS 3762), pp. 33-34
  190. Faraz Rasheed, Yong-Koo Lee and Sung-Young Lee, "Context Summarization and Garbage Collecting Context," Computational Science and Its Applications-ICCSA 2005: International Conference(SCIE), Singapore, May 9-12, 2005, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS 3481), pp. 1115- 1124
  191. Hung Le Xuan, Young-Koo Lee and Sung-Young Lee, "Two Energy-Efficient Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks," Networking - ICN 2005: 4th International Conference on Networking(SCIE), Reunion Island, France, April 17-21, 2005, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS 3420), pp. 698-705
  192. Chang, J., Whang, K., Lee, Y., Yang, J., and Oh, Y., "A Formal Approach to Lock Escalation," Information Systems, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 151-166, Apr. 2005 (SCI).
  193. Uzair Ahmad, Mahrin Iqbal, Sung-Young Lee, Young-Koo Lee, and Arshad Ali, "Reflective Middleware for Location-Aware Application Adaptation", Ubiquitous Web Systems and Intelligence 2005,, Suntec Singapore, 9-12 May 2005, Springer- Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (SCIE)
  194. Maria Riaz, Saad Liaquat Kiani, Anjum Shehzad, Sung-Young Lee, and Young-Koo Lee, "Bringing Handhelds to the Grid Resourcefully A Surrogate Middleware Approach", Ubiquitous Web Systems and Intelligence 2005,, Suntec Singapore, 9-12 May 2005, Springer- Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (SCIE), ITRC-SunMoon